Black Capped Extra Stout - Beer Kit

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  • Regular price $62.00
  • 7 available
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Each Kit Contains:

- Fresh, pre-measured ingredients for a 5 gallon brew
- Recipe card for Standard Mash or BIAB Setup

Black Capped Stout

Our Black Capped Stout pays tribute to the Black Capped Chickadee which is the provincial bird of New Brunswick. A noble brew designed for a noble bird. Common to various parts of Canada: intelligent, precise and resourceful, but also strong and sweet.

This extra stout is layered with ingredients used in historical stouts, but adapted to modern malting and brewing techniques, which are much more understood today. A total of 7 different ingredients make up the malt profile of this brew making it our deepest flavoured brew in our lineup.

This beer is great to drink immediately once ready or will age beautifully if left in the proper environment depending on your palate. Please enjoy this brew however you wish and share your friends. (Don`t be afraid to hide some in a dark cool area!)

We designed this beer to be elegant yet common, complex but simple like the average or refined chickadee. Sometimes the most simple of creatures are the most elegant when you take the time to look closer.

We pride ourselves on local ingredients and have included a heavy dose of Crosby`s Fancy Molasses, balanced with Moose Mountain`s Wild New Brunswick hops and locally crafted malt from Monquart Malting. These local ingredients all come together once fermented to create a deep, rich hearty brew. 

Expected ABV is 6.1%

This kit is appropriate for all-grain brewing with a hot liquor tank, mash tun, & boil kettle, or using the brew in a bag (BIAB) method.

Kit contains all required base grains, speciality grains, additives, hops, & yeast to make this beer. Each box is made to order to ensure freshness of all ingredients.

Kits DO NOT include all grain brewing equipment, sanitizer, priming sugar, bottles, or bottle caps. 

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