Maritime Honey Wheat Ale - Beer Kit

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  • Regular price $62.00
  • 5 available
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Each Kit Contains:

- Fresh, pre-measured ingredients for a 5 gallon brew
- Recipe card

Maritime Honey is an easy drinking American Wheat Ale that uses a generous portion of local unpasteurized honey, locally grown Cascade hops, and a large portion of locally malted 2-Row Barley grown in Johnville, New Brunswick.

Wheat malt creates a backdrop with slight sweetness for the intricate flavours of the honey and hops to dance together once the beer is ready to drink. This beer is designed to be easy drinking, yet full of intricate flavours derived from the honey and local hops. 

No two boxes will be the exactly same, as the honey contained is produced in small batches, and rely on bees to drive the flavour profile of this beer from the flowers they fancy. The sugary contents of the golden honey eventually all get eaten by the yeast, leaving behind the unique flavour and aromatic characteristic of our local flora.

Maritime Honey gives a refined taste of our unique climate, landscape and costal flowering plants. It is a great beer to sip on a hot day or to share with friends at dinner to compliment fresh salads, fruity desserts, oysters, or fish.

Drink this beer fresh for a clean tasting well balanced treat or store for up to a year to allow the honey and hops time to mingle in the cellar. Some aging may be beneficial (as with mead) to allow more of the intricate honey characteristics to develop, but this is not necessary if you want to enjoy it all immediately!

This is an easy drinking beer with a buzz, so be weary and enjoy every sip. It is a great one to share and enjoyable for veteran craft beer connoisseurs or rookies alike.

Expected ABV is 5.9%

This kit is appropriate for all-grain brewing with a hot liquor tank, mash tun, & boil kettle, or using the brew in a bag (BIAB) method. 

Kit contains all required base grains, speciality grains, additives, hops, & yeast to make this beer. Each box is made to order to ensure freshness of all ingredients.

Kits DO NOT include all grain brewing equipment, sanitizer, priming sugar, bottles, or bottle caps

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